Assessment of prototype S3 embouchure cut, by Richard Craig

We developed our latest S3 cut headjoints in collaboration with Richard Craig. The idea was to combine and build on the best elements of our classic and free-blowing cuts. Richard assessed a prototype in Grenadilla on both silver and wooden flutes.

S3 on Altus 807

On the Altus, the S3 was a very good match. The upper register became nicer compared with the metal Altus headjoint, helped by the additional resistance that wood provides. When giving it a bit more oomph there was something to work against, which is valuable since typically silver flutes tend to play sharp in the third register. The S3 has the right amount of zapp, with a depth to the sound, to overcome the clunkiness often associated with the combination of wood on a silver flute.

Articulation was very good, with that wooden bounce and roundness to the sound. Intonation between octaves feels sure, and in the lower register there is some wiggle room to adjust. The balance of the weight between the body and head works well too.

In short, I could imagine using this headjoint regularly on an Altus or similar silver flute.

S3 on wooden Rudall Carte

This was really a lot of fun. I could get a lot out of the lower octave, and there was a clearer sense of connection between the lower and mid-range of the flute. Intonation was very good.

The S3 has plenty to give in terms of volume, but provides enough pushback to know the limits. One thing I noticed is a consistent centre to the sound when changing colour from a darker to a lighter tone, something I often miss. I enjoyed the sweetness of the middle register. Changing quickly between registers from piano to forte was very slick indeed, with the pianissimo playing at the top particularly pure.

The articulation had a ring to it, lots of variety, and spoke easily - I am sure there is more to find in this department.


The S3 brought out new sides to both my wooden and silver flutes, without losing the point of playing on wood. Tested alongside wooden headjoints by other makers, the S3 finds a middle way and takes that to a new level.


Dr Richard Craig

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